I'll be up in roughly 5 hours as of 1:22am. However, I'm sure I won't crawl into bed until about 2am, and in that case, I'll be up in about 4 hours and 32 minutes. I had the urge to raise this from the dead for kicks and because, for my non-livejournal folk, this is "easier than livejournal." What an easy solution. Ho hum.
I came across this entry from my freshman year of college about something my dad told me and my heart melted:
"I know that your intention is to help people, I Know that's how you are. I know you have good intentions, but when you're trying to help someone out, make sure that you won't get hurt or be in trouble in the end. This was just a mistake that you will learn from. You are not a disappointment, you are from that. You just made an error in judgment, a mistake. I know you and you are all things good. I am always and will always be proud of you, Isa."
I didn't get a chance to see my parents this past weekend, so this may have just made matters worse. I have got to admit, I love going home and I love seeing my parents. Which is quite the opposite of a couple of my friends here at school. Anyway, I need to keep that in mind, because it was one of the most heartwarming moments I have ever had with my parents, especially my dad.I've opened up my life up to interpretation for another time and I'm going to regret it if I keep getting comments like that ones I've been receiving. All I have to say, as well as remind myself of, is that I need to be content with being single, being where I am and who I am, and realize that I have much more important things to focus on. What's to come is to come and all I can do is keep living my life to see where things lead rather than listen to the predictions of others. Don't get me wrong, they're funny predictions and if I were an outsider to my own life, I would be saying the same things as well and that's the problem. If I hear too much of it, my brain my flip a switch and may travel down the path I've been able to block off. It's not a bad path, but it's not the good one either. Downside, I wish I could really say more but you know how it goes. Like I told one of my patients today = the one that I had a good 2 1/2 hour conversation with - everyone has their own little secrets, they just have to. Otherwise we'd all go a little insane; you've gotta keep what's yours to yourself or at least among a select few.
It's time to make my slow crawl into bed or at least study. I shall now leave you with this:

It's nice to know that, isn't it? Remember, I am here.
Until next time. Slumber, here I come.
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